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  1. Civil & Environmental Engineering M.S.E.S.
    Precipitative Softening and Ultrafiltration Treatment of Beverage Water

  2. Ansley Shannon AS Biology M.S.
    Secondary Seed Dispersal of Longleaf Pine, Pinus palustris,
    and Sand Live Oak, Quercus geminata, in Florida Sandhill

  3. Anstey Erica AS Women's Studies M.A.
    A Feminist Perspective on the Precautionary Principle and the Problem of Endocrine Disruptors Under Neoliberal Globalization Policies

  4. Ault Danylle MS Marine Science M.S.
    Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Chlorophyll on the West Florida Shelf

  5. Bakht Nancy AS English M.A.
    Mocking Mohammad:  Mark Twain’s Depiction of Arabs and Muslims in The Innocents Abroad

  6. Basso Ann AS English M.A.
    Bel-Imperia:  The (Early) Modern Woman in Thomas Kyd's Spanish Tragedy

  7. Beekman Matthew AS Physics M.S.
    Synthesis and Characterization of Type II Silicon and Germanium Clathrates

  8. Begin Georgia AS Mass Communications M.A.
    Attitudinal Antecedents of the First- and Third-Person Effects of Alcohol Advertising on College Students

  9. Begum Mubeena PH Epidemiology & Biostatistics M.S.P.H.
    Gene Expression Profiles and Clinical Parameters for Survival
    Prediction in Stage Two and Three Colorectal Cancer

  10. Bhatt Surbhi AS Chemistry M.S.
    Chemo-Enzymatic Route to Synthesis of Biodegradable Polymers and Glycolipid Analogs

  11. Binitie Idia AS Psychology M.A.
    Breaking Down the Wall: An Examination of Mental Health Service Utilization in African American and Caucasian Parents

  12. Booker Alan AS Geography M.A.
    Modeling the 100-Year Flood Using GIS: A Flood Analysis in the Avon Park Watershed

  13. Booth James AS English M.A.
    Cracker Etiquette: Stories From Somebody's South

  14. Caesar Nicole MS Marine Science M.S.
    An Evaluation of the Along Track Reef Imaging System (ATRIS) for Efficient Reef Monitoring and Rapid Groundtruthing of EAARL Lidar

  15. Cha Sung Taik AS Mass Communications M.A.
    How U.S. Audiences View Korean Films: A Case Study of Old Boy

  16. Chalasani Praveen EN Mechanical Engineering M.S.
    Nanoindentation of Layered Materials With a Nonhomogeneous Interface

  17. Chen Li EN Computer Science & Engineering M.S.C.S.
    Ranking-Based Methods for Gene Selection in Microarray Data

  18. Cochran Andrew AS English M.A.
    An Hour of Light and Other Stories

  19. Crosby David AS Geography M.A.
    The Effect of DEM Resolution on the Computation of
    Hydrologically Significant Topographic Attributes

  20. Curley Jessica AS Psychology M.A.
    Mothers' Versus Fathers' Ratings of Child Behavior Problems

  21. Curtas Stephen AS Government & International Studies M.A.
    A New Type of Insurgency: A Case Study of the Resistance in Iraq

  22. da Silva Ashley AS Geology M.S.
    Investigation of Cretaceous Molluscan Shell Material for Isotopic Integrity: Examples and Implications From the Baculites compressus/cuneatus Biozones (Campanian) of the Western Interior Seaway

  23. Dearborn Kristina EN Chemical Engineering M.S.Ch.
    The Characterization of Non-Ionic Surfactant Vesicles: A Release Rate Study for Drug Delivery

  24. Do Kimberly AS Biology M.S.
    A Determination of Phylogeny and Hybridization History Within Clematis L. (Ranunculaceae) Using Actin and Nitrate Reductase Intron Sequences

  25. Drennon Michael PH Epidemiology & Biostatistics M.S.P.H.
    Drug Resistant Patterns of Invasive Streptococcus pneumoniae Infections in the State of Florida in 2003

  26. Fargo Sofia AS Government & International Studies M.A.
    An Analysis of the United Nations Two Peace Operations in the Congo

  27. Fawcett Kelly AS Communication Sciences & Disorders M.S.
    Spelling Development in Young School Age Children

  28. Fernando Pradeep EN Computer Science & Engineering M.S.C.P.
    Genetic Algorithm Based Two-Dimensional and Three-Dimensional Floorplanning for VLSI ASICs

  29. Flack II Larry PH Environmental & Occupational Health M.S.P.H.
    Nurse Exposure to Waste Anesthetic Gases in a Post Anesthesia Care Unit

  30. Frashuer Anya AS Anthropology M.A.
    Middle Woodland Mound Distribution and the Ceremonialism in the Apalachicola Valley, Northwest Florida

  31. Gale Deanne ED Psychological & Social Foundations Ed.S.
    The Effect of Computer-Delivered Phonological Awareness Training on the Early Literacy Skills of Students Identified as At-Risk for Reading Failure

  32. Garcia Richard EN Computer Science & Engineering M.S.C.S.
    A Modular Onboard Processing System for Small Unmanned Vehicles

  33. Gaydos Dana MS Marine Science M.S.
    Modeling the Advantages and Disadvantages of the Coral-Algal Symbiosis

  34. Ghirlanda Simone EN Electrical Engineering M.S.
    Prototype and Testing of a MEMS Microcooler Based on Magnetocaloric Effect

  35. Green, Jr. Alan AS English M.A.
    Altered States of Reality: The Theme of Twinning in David Lynch's Lost Highway

  36. Gulledge Laura AS Criminology M.A.
    Gender Differences in Age of Onset for Delinquency: Risk Factors and Consequences

  37. ustafson Steven MS Marine Science M.S.
    Assessment of Image Analysis as a Measure of Scleractinian Coral Growth

  38. Haller Logan PH Public Health M.S.P.H.
    Developement of a Micropshere-Based Immunoassay for the Detection of IgM Antibodies to West Nile Virus and St. Louis Encephalitis Virus in Sentinel Chicken Sera

  39. Hardesty Robin ED Psychological & Social Foundations Ed.S.
    Stress, Coping, and their Prediction of Mental Health Outcomes in International Baccalaureate High School Students

  40. Henson Joshua MS Marine Science M.S.
    Strategic Geographic Positioning of Sea Level Gauges to Aid in Early Detection of Tsunamis in the Intra-Americas Sea

  41. Hills Jr.Franklin AS Religious Studies M.A.
    The Middle Class Religious Ideology and the Underclass Struggle:  A Growing Divide in Black Religion

  42. Hilmersson Christina EN Mechanical Engineering M.S.M.E.
    Detection of Cracks in Single-Crystalline Silicon Wafers Using Impact Testing

  43. Hulseman George AS English M.A.
    Echoes:  A Novel

  44. Jacobson Rebecca AS English M.A.

  45. Jones Lucy AS Humanities M.L.A.
    Tampa's Lafayette Street Bridge:  Building A New South City

  46. Kedrowski Jon AS Geography M.A.
    Assessing Human-Environmental Impacts on Colorado's 14,000-Foot Mountains

  47. Kelsey Clay AS Geography M.A.
    The Application of a Modified Human Development Index: Spatial Modeling of Socioeconomic Well-Being for Florida Counties

  48. Klar Jason EN Mechanical EngineeringM.S.M.E.
    Optimizing Biofuel Cell Performance Using a Targeted Mixed Mediator Combination

  49. Korzhova Valentina EN Computer Science & Engineering M.S.C.S.
    Tracking Fluid Flow in a Spinning Disk Reactor

  50. Lambert Jeanne AS Environmental Science & Policy M.S.
    Coastal Processes and Anthropogenic Factors Influencing the Geomorphic Evolution of Weedon Island, Florida

  51. Larsen Devon FA Art M.A.
    Rethinking the Monumental:  The Museum as Feminist Space in the “Sexual Politics” Exhibition, 1996

  52. LoDico Jenna MS Marine Science M.S.
    Sub-Centennial Scale Climatic and Hydrologic Variability in the Gulf of Mexico During the Early Holocene

  53. Luongo Kevin EN Electrical Engineering M.S.E.E.
    Palladium Doped Nano Porous Silicon to Enhance Hydrogen Sensing

  54. Lutsyshyna Oksana AS Women's Studies M.A.
    Postcolonial Herstory: The Novels of Assia Djebar (Algeria) and Oksana Zabuzhko (Ukraine):  A Comparative Analysis

  55. Manohar Vasant EN Computer Science & Engineering M.S.C.S.
    Video-Based Person Identification Using Facial Strain Maps as a Biometric

  56. McCabe-Remmell Patricia AS English M.A.
    Joyce ... Beckett ... Dedalus ... Molloy: A Study in Abjection and Masochism

  57. McKallip-Moss Shannon GS Applied Behavior Analysis M.A.
    Response Cards in the Elementary School Classroom: Effects on Student and Teacher Behavior

  58. Meehan Ryan AS English M.A.
    The Enthymeme's Role in Modern Discourse

  59. Murray Marcy AS English M.A.
    Cross-Dressing in Sarah Grand’s The Tenor and the Boy and E.D.E.N Southworth’s The Hidden Hand:  Gender, Class, and Power

  60. Newberry James EN Civil & Environmental Engineering M.S.C.E.
    A Damage Assessment and Wind Loading Analysis of
    Residential Structures Built Post-1996 in Punta Gorda in the
    Wake of Hurricane Charley

  61. Nieves John A. AS English M.A. Ashes from Falling Stars

  62. Northcutt Minnette AS English M.A.
    An Inquiry Concerning the Teaching of Critical Thinking in an
    Advanced Placement Literature and Composition Class

  63. Nwiloh Victor PH Environmental & Occupational Health M.S.P.H.
    Measurement of Nerve Growth Factor in Induced Sputum and Exhaled Breath Condensate

  64. Olin Carrie AS English M.A.
    The True Picture of the Indian—As Jackson Viewed It: The Portrayal of Alessandro as an Atypical Native American

  65. Peck-Janssen Shannon AS Anthropology M.A.
    Animal Husbandry at Tell el Hesi (Israel): Results From Zooarchaeological and Isotopic Analysis

  66. Pickard Brian EN Civil & Environmental Engineering M.S
    Development of a GIS Based Infrastructure Replacement Prioritization System:  A Case Study

  67. Pierrissaint Virgilet EN Civil & Environmental Engineering M.S.C.E.
    Post-Charley Evaluation of Undamaged Homes in Punta Gorda Isles

  68. Plank, Jr. Larry ED Educational Leadership Ed.S.
    Intelligent Design and Evolutionary Theory:  Legal Battles and Classroom Relevance for School Leadership

  69. Porter Larry ED Psychological & Social Foundations Ed.S.
    An Exploratory Analysis of the Effects of a Statewide Mandatory Grade Retention Policy and Student Academic Achievement

  70. Powell Lezlee GS Applied Behavior Analysis M.A.
    The Effects of a Parent Training Course on Coercive Interactions Between Parents and Children

  71. Ravulapalli Sunil Babu EN Computer Science & Engineering M.S.C.S.
    Association of Sound to Motion in Video Using Perceptual Organization

  72. Roberts Glen AS Mass Communications M.A.
    Image Restoration Theory: An Empirical Study of Corporate Apology Tactics Employed by the U.S. Air Force Academy

  73. Rodriguez-Del Valle Chantell GS Applied Behavior Analysis M.A.
    The Effects of Role-Playing on the Development of Adaptive Skills in a Parent Training Program

  74. Romero Cotrino Camilo EN Civil & Environmental Engineering M.S.E.E.
    Control of Hydrogen Sulfide From Groundwater Using Packed-Bed Anion Exchange and Other Technologies

  75. Rupanagudi Sai Kiran EN Electrical Engineering M.S.E.E.
    A Platform for Research on Localization and Tracking Using Wireless Sensor Networks

  76. Sahin Mustafa Emin EN Electrical Engineering M.S.E.E.
    Towards the Realization of Cognitive Radio:  Coexistence of Ultrawideband and Narrowband Systems

  77. Schrefer Justin AS Political Science M.A.
    Path Dependencies and Unintended Consequences:  A Case Study of Britain's Entry into the European Community

  78. Schwab Autumn AS Geography M.A.
    The Influence of Roads on the Florida Panther

  79. Shelnut Nicole AS Anthropology M.A.
    Before the Inca:  Prehistoric Dietary Transitions in the Argentine Cuyo

  80. Sierra Melissa AS Sociology M.A.
    Chronic/Life Threatening Illnesses From the Perspective of Latino Men

  81. Simpson Dava AS Communication M.A.
    Stormtroopers Among Us:  Star Wars Costuming, Connection, and Civic Engagement

  82. Singh Harkanwal EN Civil & Environmental Engineering M.S.C.E.
    A Benefit-Cost Analysis of a State Freeway Service Patrol: A Florida Case Study

  83. Smeltzer Brandon EN Chemical Engineering M.Ch.E.
    The Solubility of Triton X-114 and Tergitol 15-S-9 in High Pressure Carbon Dioxide Solutions

  84. Smith Gregory AS English M.A.
    The Faceless Mountain and the Key West Route: Interdisciplinary Study of the Pilgrimage Archetype
    Stearns Adrienne AS Communication Sciences & Disorders M.S.
    Production and Perception of Place of Articulation Errors

  85. Taylor Rush AS American Studies M.L.A.
    "This is Not a Politburo, But a Madhouse" The Post World War II Sovietization of East Germany Up to the 1953 Worker's Uprising.

  86. Thompson Troy AS History M.A.
    Fit for the Reception of Ladies and Gentlemen:  Power, Space and Politeness in Eighteenth-Century Anglo-Atlantic Playhouses

  87. Tipton Holly AS English M.A.
    Piety and Other Afflictions

  88. Tofthagen Cindy NR Nursing M.S.
    The Relationship Between Anxiety and Spirituality in Persons Undergoing Chemotherapy for Cancer

  89. Toney Jared AS History M.A.
    "Viva Wallace":  Tampa Latins, the Politics of Americanization, and the Progressive Party Campaign of 1948

  90. Van Neste Berit AS Religious Studies M.A.
    Cicero and St. Augustine's Just War Theory:  Classical Influences on a Christian Idea

  91. Van Dyke John AS English M.A.
    "Landslide" and Other Stories

  92. Vogt, III Albert AS Humanities M.L.A.
    "Trust Yourself to God:"  Friar Francisco Pareja and the Franciscans in Florida, 1595-1702

  93. Voicu Laura EN Computer Science & Engineering M.S.C.S.
    Modeling the Throughput Performance of the SF-SACK Protocol

  94. Wafula Alfred AS Physics M.S.
    Dynamic Monitoring of Cytotoxicity by Using Electric Cell Substrate Impedance Sensing

  95. Wagganer Andrea AS Sociology M.A.
    Feminine Beauty and the Cancerous Beast:  Appearance Management at the Cancer Hospital Salon

  96. Weiss Matthew AS Geology M.S.
    Evaluation of Geophysical and Thermal Methods for Detecting Submarine Groundwater Discharge (SGD) in the Suwannee River Estuary, Florida

  97. Wiesen Liesl AS Environmental Science & Policy M.S.
    Blood Lead Concentrations in the Cat Population of Tampa, Florida

  98. Williams Gertie GS Applied Behavior Analysis M.A.
    The Effects of Fluency Training on Performance, Maintenance and Generalization of Parenting Skills

  99. Young Kevin EN Chemical Engineering M.S.Ch.
    The Mucilage of Opuntia Ficus Indica:  A Natural, Sustainable, and Viable Water Treatment Technology for Use in Rural Mexico for Reducing Turbidity and Arsenic Contamination in Drinking Water

Tags: english , faculty , theses